Angelo Porazzi, Simone Colombo,
Annalisa, Simone Magni, Flavio Mortarino, Jost
Schwider, Lord Max, Tinuz Cappelleri, gathering
for a 8 players table of Love Pigs
(Porcellini) prototype.

A close up of Porcellini
where you see the different Pigs Characters cards
and, under them, the cards they are winning
during the game. The more answers of your
Teammate LovePig you will recognize, the more
points your collect under your Character Card.

Annalisa, Simone Magni, Stefano
Verona and Angelo Porazzi playing the prototype
of Simone Il Re dei Parchi (King
of Parks) where you have to build the best
LunaPark of your life. Funny, original and
interesting. The prototype of Stefano PsicoGame
was premiered also at Area
Autoproduzione in Giochi
Sforzeschi 06 Milano, some week ago.

Flavio Mortarino, Jost Schwider,
Simone Colombo, Claudio Gelosa, Andera
Castellani, Lollo, and Mrs Gelosa around the
already realized Esagek,
premiered at Essen06 and the
new card game protoype of Claudio Word

Walter Obert, Federico Faenza of
KDS, Mario Sacchi of Post Scriptum and Paolo Mori
around Walter's prototype of Strada

Zib, Angelo, Jost, Mario, Bruno
Bono, Simone around a crazy prototype I brought
just for fun but that gained a lot of consenses
expecially from crazy gamers:) SCARABALL.
Here you
see the game realized.

A closeup of SCARABALL prototype
where the field is now just represented with
simple lines and the wooden counters are bumper
scarabs that have to roll a big ball of their
favourite food in their lairs. All the game is
based on "transmission of movement"
from scarabs to ball and from scarabs to enemies,
to bump them out of the field.

Another crazy group of play around
SCARABALL: Zib, Angelo, LucaBianchi, Antonella, a
young boy attracted by the "life" at
the table and Lollo, one of the most
representative and crazy gamers of Flying
Circus a group of friends and very
creative gamers, present in many italian Cons and

Here we are around the prototype of
Luca Bianchi that has not yet a name but could be
named Save the Dragon. In this
original game, players must help last dragons on
Earth from Dragonslayers. Player wins if his
Dragon (secretly assigned at the beginning of the
game) is the last one to survive. Strange and
evocative, work on it Luca!:).

Luca Bianchi, Antonella, Hichan of
Matagot, Pierluca Zizzi, Luca Pansecchi and Piero
Cioni of Tenki Games, Paolo Vallerga of Scribabs,
Luca Iennaco, Walter Obert, Jost Schwider and
Angelo Porazzi having best Italian food together,
on same tables we play our prototypes.
13, 14 january 2007,
Piossasco TO
Organizator: Walter Obert
13 and 14 january Piossasco (TO), Church of S.
Apostoli, 3rd annual meetings of game designers.
On www.inventoridigiochi.it further
- From Germany
Jost Schwider of www.spielepizza.de, awarded together with
Angelo Porazzi for Giro d' Italia Ludico at
- From France, Editor Matagot
- Italian Editors: Angelo Porazzi Games, daVinci
Editrice, KDS, Post Scriptum, Rose and Poison,
Scribabs, Studiogiochi, Tenki Games, Venice
Connection, What's Your Game?, Wild Boar
- Best Playtesters of GiocaTorino
- Best Playtesters of Flying Circus
- Best Playtesters of TreEmme Torino
- Radio Show with GIOCANDO, on RAI RadioDue.
- Designers: Acchittocca, Luca Bianchi, Fabrizio
Bonifacio, Walt Castagno, Andrea Chiarvesio,
Piero Cioni, Dario De Toffoli, Riccardo Foches,
Claudio Gelosa, LordMax, Simone Magni, Andrea
Mainini, Paolo Mori, Walter Obert, Angelo
Porazzi, Mario Sacchi, Gianfranco Sartoretti,
Giacomo Sottocasa, Paolo Vallerga, Stefano
Verona, Luca Volpino, Pierluca Zizzi.
IDEAG 2007 WarAngelo
On 13-14 january 2007, I was invited
and hosted for third time by kind organizator Walter
Obert who is creator of this important
idea: IDEAG. Here you can see my
PhotoReports of first two editions: 2005 and 2006. This year
I was honoured to host at my home in Milano Jost
Schwider of www.spielepizza.de and to
partecipate with him at this nice gathering near
Torino, where kind Walter hosted both of us.
Organization was kind enough to award us for Giro
d' Italia Ludico at Essen06 where lots
of Italian Games, Designers, Editors, joined
together their forces to show ITALY as a sole
thing in the world of boardgames. The
"awards" are signed by Walter Obert for
IDEAG, Paolo Mori who runs the
site IDG www.inventoridigiochi.it and Paoletta
and Tinuz of GiocaTorino,
all members of excellent organization of IDEAG
latest prototype LovePigs (Porcellini),
was presented at LuccaGames06 receiving
enthusiastic feedback. Final prototype was
presented here in IDEAG 07 and also more expert
gamers enjoined it. The game was played by lots
of gamers and authors that appreciated the fact
you do not get "pre-invented questions"
wrote on the cards but you CREATE the question
for your teammate. This is a funny interactive
party game where you have ideas and themes from
the cards but it is up to you to create a clear
question for the player who is in team with you
(your Love Pig) to be shure of the answer he will
give you. Your goal is to recognize your
LovePig's answer, among answers of all other Pigs
in the game. The more you know your LovePigs, the
more you will be able to create questions that
only you two know, basing on your experience of
life together.
the more other gamers know you two, the more they
will be creative and bastard in confusing you
with their crazy answers, the more fun you will
have. This is a game that calls ALL partecipating
players to give their creative contribute in
every turn. You can gain the card-point in that
turn recognizing the answers of your Love Pigs or
confonding who is in turn: if the player in turn
recognizes you instead of his true LovePig, YOU
get the point! The couple of Love Pigs who gets a
numbers of points (example at least 3 points each
member of the couple) is the LovePigs winning
with these "psycological tests", in the
deck you find hilaryous body-tests that calls you
to recognize body-parts of your LovePigs among
other players. These are perfect with group of
players with families and children that has a lot
of fun recognizing finger, nose, leg... belly! of
ther players but also really funny to play with
Gamers that like to stay together and play
together in a light way. Also Graphic (GraPig?
Pigtures?) of the game was appreciated by lot of
people, expecially girls and women:)
To the next Con who invited me,
First Edition of TorinoLudica on
February, that will host me and my idea of Area
Autoproduzione I run in LudicaMente Mantova, GiochiSforzeschi Milano, Ver-Con Verona that
allowed many games and authors to be known, many
of them as Bolide or Esagek are now also
appreciated in many countries outside Italy.
My compliments and sincere thanks to
all people who organized IDEAG 2007.
Ciao:) To the next! Angelo Porazzi

Walter awarding Jost and Angelo for
Giro d' Italia Ludico at Essen 06. An event that
was really appreciated by many designers, gamers
and editors in Italy.

Jost and Angelo saying "All
together we win!".

The "Offical Photo" with
Paoletta, Walter, Jost, Angelo, Tinuz and Paolo
Mori representing all IDEAG 2007 organization

Gabriele, Angelo, Pierluca, Mario
Sacchi and Richard Doni playing Pierluca's
prototype Defence for Agarthi. A
very nice, light wargame where Gabriele and me
played the Chaos Beasts invaders and Mario and
Richard vanely tried to defend their capital
Agarthi. I liked it a lot due remembers in many
aspects my 10 Years old Warangel: hexed
maps, fantasy flavour, very evoctive creatures,
and the concept to control enemy fortresses. In
fact me and Gabriele totally ignored Agarthi and
conquered all outside towns on the map, to
disaggregate defences and sweep them away. It was
nice due Richard was National Italian Champion of
Warangel in 2003 and 2004, before victory of
Andrea Ligabue in ModCon2005. I like a
lot to play together with such good wargamers.
For my flavour, this is best prototype I played
in 07 IDEAG edition.

Sandrine, Daniel, Angelo, Gianluca
Sparacello, Gabriele and Fulvio Pegolo in one of
the best sessions of Love Pigs. We had a lot of
fun with Fulvio of TreEmme Torino who
interpretated PigKong In the
best way:) Fulvio, Lord Max, and many other
enjoied a lot also SCARABALL... what I produce

On Sunday night, this was the most
crowdy and noisy table with the latest prototype
of Walter Obert: primitive architects try to give
orders to their teammates, shouting primordials
orders and hammering with their claves the
builders: 1 shot is a yes, two shot is a no!!. A
"primitive HysteriCoach",
another crazy Idea of Walter!

Massimiliano, Francesca, Simone,
Jost, Angelo, Flavio, Monica, Alice, Michela and
Alessia (taking the picture): here we are in
Milano saluting Jost with our families and hoping
he enjoied this IDEAG together with a nice group
of italian authors, gamers, editors, playtesters,
friends. See you in Essen 07 dear friend! I have
the feeling there will be many new Italians this